...okay, Dorothy & Toto are f***ed.
Pretty sure clicking those red shoes together ain't gonna help.
...okay, Dorothy & Toto are f***ed.
Pretty sure clicking those red shoes together ain't gonna help.
I figured you for a girl... Tbh I hadn't given it much thought. But this is 2024: we can be whatever the f**k we want. I identify as a mat of sphagnum moss.
People sure speculate a lot. But I suppose that's fine 😅
I didn't go either. By that point I was over high school & wanted out.
This piece has "Carrie" vibes, for sure.
Thank you!! i love carrie so much!
Not bad, not bad... You could've pushed the cool colors (sky & water) a bit further, but it works. I like how you did the ground...it looks kinda like sod or fallen straw.
I think you are right when it comes to that as... This place has became my last platform to post on aside from Baraag. Well I wanted to lean towards cools, but not too worm, but it does remind me of old rendering as old photography or 4chan's photography section often inspires me sometimes. Due to how the camera renders, not the cleaniness of today.
This is the first pixel art piece I've seen that I actually like. (Hey, taste is subjective!...)
Haven't played the game yet but I probably will one of these days. Stress relievers are always good.
Have you ever ridden in a hot air balloon? It's fun!...just be sure to enjoy it instead of taking repetitive snapshots the whole time.
No I haven’t! But when I do, I sure will! :D
...so Hank prefers an M-60? It gets the job done, for sure... M-60s are old tech, though. If Hank just needs to mow down lots of human enemies, he should go with an M-249 SAW. Those are lighter...more portable; if you're committed to a weight limit you can carry a bit more ammo with an M-249. It's also got plenty of effective range.
You are indeed correct, but I just like the visual retro aesthetic of the M60 more LOL.
Where are the chains? I see one going around her right hip but that's all...do the others only appear when Beatrix attacks an enemy? She has an interesting backstory, for sure.
the chains extend themselves. and the other chain is hidden due to perspective and that she is covering it
Good technique, there.
So you use felt-tip markers, too?...but you go with a fine-point one, it looks like. If she shows up in the next stage of disrobing, I'm here for it.
Lol I only used the ultra fine point. It's essentially like any other permanent marker aside from that.
I might make the attempt at a follow-up, lol...
EDIT: I haven't slept in 16 hours; I misinterpreted your question LOL. I'll use whatever markers I can get my hands on. Felt-tip, gel, ballpoint, etc. If it's fun to use and looks nice, I'll use it. c:
Artist in various media (mostly traditional), craftsman & general DIYer. I make no guarantee of regular posting--work will go up as circumstances permit.
Volkswagen Beetle
various/school of hard knocks
under your kitchen sink
Joined on 2/20/23