The virgin sacrifice called him forth from the cyclopean depths, after all!... looks like the spider-thing has had quite a few before.
The virgin sacrifice called him forth from the cyclopean depths, after all!... looks like the spider-thing has had quite a few before.
So many artists (mostly technicians, really) on here cranking out slicked-up T&A pics of girls with absurdly inflated breasts & butts, & here you are making them all look like pikers. Nice. *thumbs up*
So your g/f has a nice set of headlights, eh?... You're a lucky guy. ;-)
You've seen Lupo, haven't you?
I’m afraid I have not.
If you ever make any shotshells with that thorium or plutonium or whatever it is, let me know. I'll buy as much as I can afford.
Gonna need a lead-lined jacket & gloves, but oh well...
Freud would have a field day with this.
Not bad but it could use some more darks for contrast, here & there. It's good overall. Your looking cute certainly doesn't hurt.
Very nice. And traditional...hard to find trad stuff on NG. Not too many of us here, eh?
This girl must have problems whenever she sits down to eat, not to mention getting breathing room on a flight...
Artist in various media (mostly traditional), craftsman & general DIYer. I make no guarantee of regular posting--work will go up as circumstances permit.
Volkswagen Beetle
various/school of hard knocks
under your kitchen sink
Joined on 2/20/23