You managed to make it look scary & tragic at the same time. Well done.
You managed to make it look scary & tragic at the same time. Well done.
The way she looks, she can whack me anytime she _wants_.
Famous last words
The boy looks fierce enough that he doesn't need the tiger pelt.
If I were a toon, I would not meet with him unless I was suitably armed. He's cute but badassed.
Not arranged it right. The version with red lenses is the best one.
The leg muscles need a little work. The torso (particularly the pectoral muscles) turned out well. Also, he needs ankles. But overall it's pretty good. Terrific pose, & the gas mask suits him perfectly.
Great work here. It would be nice if a bit more of him was visible...I get that you wanted to do a portrait but with Doom, that billowing cape is a must. Still, your technique is clean & sharp.
Lotsa bright colors... I get the impression you had a good time when you were drawing those.
had a very good time.
As someone who was on DA during its glory days in the mid-2000's & who discovered NG after seeing DA's rapid slide downhill, I approve of this piece.
This is relatable.
If I were a cartoon character, I'd romp in her flower garden...
Akemi has strong thighs. That's always a plus.
Artist in various media (mostly traditional), craftsman & general DIYer. I make no guarantee of regular posting--work will go up as circumstances permit.
Volkswagen Beetle
various/school of hard knocks
under your kitchen sink
Joined on 2/20/23