Interesting...he looks kinda like a cross between a fly & that masked character with the claws in Street Fighter.
Interesting...he looks kinda like a cross between a fly & that masked character with the claws in Street Fighter.
Hell of a piece!
Having a 15-foot gator after you is bad enough. If it has usable hands & enough intelligence to make basic tools & weapons, well... My money is not on the girl. She's effectively "treed", like when a raccoon climbs up one & has nowhere to go once the hounds have surrounded it. Also, not too many mostly monochrome pieces on NG like this. It shows how much can be done with hues from a single color (green); the only exceptions are the stream & background sky. Well done.
The impressionistic aspect is definitely there...
If you ever do another piece like this, maybe try making her hair more plantlike instead of the waterfall of fire it appears to be. Wilted flowers? Moss? You could render it that way...
Her head is at a great angle for conveying a feeling of being tired & spent.
When did you paint this, exactly?
Thank you for the feedback, it's much appreciated. I'll have to check if you want more specific, but it was painted during my senior year, so likely early 2016.
I definitely missed the mark on the hair. I realized after finishing that the color was flowing in the opposite direction, and the color choice was a bit much for what I was initially going for. I had wanted it to be like flower petals wilting , starting to turn brown.
To be honest, I kept it as is because I ended up liking the way the orange flowed over the lip of the pot.
I'm glad the exhaustion shows through the body language. I have a photo with better lighting I'll have to add soon.
It would be great to paint this again, see the changes over the years.
Thanks again for taking the time.
I do enjoy it. The composition is a bit lopsided--it's heavier in the lower right & center, while the upper left has less to it--but it ain't bad. Am wondering what would happen if you pushed the colors a bit farther, though a restrained palette like this can certainly work well.
The character in slightly reminds me of Alice Cooper. (Yes, I'm aware that says my age)
Overall, nice job.
Thank you, I'm glad you like it.
It's definitely my favorite digital piece so far. I'm just a bit bummed that I lost my tablet before feeling it was 100% done. I agree about the possibilities of the color palette, and was toying with the idea of adding more after this draft was saved. Thank you for pointing out the composition, I hadn't noticed. I wanted it to resemble the random spots they sprouted in the yard, but where I chose to place it filled up that right side.
Thank you again. I'm still learning, so constructive criticism helps a lot.
I like the use of color here.
Can't help but wonder what Rodin would say about this...
Diggin' some of the textures in the piece, particularly the palm leaves in the lower right corner.
This reminds me of the sci-fi "lost world" movies from the 1940's & early 50's.
Thanks, working at this scale really allows a lot more opportunity to use more texture, and get more visual interest from those textures
What the hell happened to the streetcleaner fembot? least, I assume it's a fembot, if those are implants & not body armor...
But seriously, this is good. The composition is perhaps a little bit too even in the other 3rds (by width) but it works. Great colors, they set the mood effectively. We know the robot is in trouble. Nice job.
thank you for the input on composition, it is something i struggle with. streetcleaner is not canonically a fembot in the ultrakill universe but i headcannon her as such :)
Props to Genevieve for staying calm & cool. I wonder how many of us would be that levelheaded if facing a Lovecraftian horror-monster such as this one...
Very retro, as others have already described... The composition looks slightly unbalanced but in this case maybe it works, given the panicked horse. All in all, great job.
This almost makes me feel bad for flattening that inch-long roach a couple nights ago...
Artist in various media (mostly traditional), craftsman & general DIYer. I make no guarantee of regular posting--work will go up as circumstances permit.
Volkswagen Beetle
various/school of hard knocks
under your kitchen sink
Joined on 2/20/23