Sam Harris has his drawbacks, but on this subject he got it right.
Say what you want about the attacks. You can claim it was all a false flag by a multi-level conspiracy involving the FBI/the CIA/State Dept./the Jews/the Bush II administration/Israel/lizard men/Martians/Jewish lizard men from Mars if you like. (I don't buy that) You can bring up US foreign policy & depending on what points you make, you might be right. I will readily admit that our government has not always treated other countries well...empire, &/or thwarting another imperial power as we did for decades, is always a dirty business. You could bring up other factors behind the attacks, too. And you may well be right on every reply you utter.
But none of the above changes the ultimate cause, the theological imperative that drove the 19 hijackers to do what they did. The rationale (if that is a suitable word) for it can be seen in their religion's founding scripture & the many commentaries on it, & on the founder's words & actions. The effects of that hostile memeplex can be found all over the Middle East, North Africa...& these days, throughout western Europe & sizable swathes of the United States.
I may do one or two pieces on this subject. Haven't decided yet...put it this way: if I do, they will draw on parts of a track record. For now I will only remember the dead, the planes hitting the towers & their subsequent collapse, the bombings in London & Paris...& October 7th, 2023.