This is the kinda thing you watch when you're thoroughly stoned.
This is the kinda thing you watch when you're thoroughly stoned.
You _should_ finish this. It's done well enough to get me interested in what happens next. Will some demon manifest on the altar? Will Mikah survive or what?
Also, the butterfly offering a knife to Mikah is kinda funny.
This is brilliant.
"These guys suck at aiming"
...Star Wars stormtrooper moment
A cut above any Spongebob toon I've seen. Excellent.
I don't understand this one... Perhaps I would if I knew who Gerbo was. (Is he the yellow spider character or the purple bug character?)
The purple guy vaguely reminds me of Barney the Dinosaur.
is characters from bugbo, a series created by bensilly as a parody of condescending games from the early 2000's
Candycaine is a hell of a drug...
So she's that heavy?... Or was she just really rough with the yellow M&M when she was on top?
The "commercial" is a bit too short. You could've made it maybe 15 seconds longer & expanded on the theme slightly. But it's dirty, which is good. Very good.
"Draw one of your finch girls." Droll...but yeah, it made me laugh.
If the bird had opened with "Charles" I would've liked it a bit more, but the whole thing is great.
Artist in various media (mostly traditional), craftsman & general DIYer. I make no guarantee of regular posting--work will go up as circumstances permit.
Volkswagen Beetle
various/school of hard knocks
under your kitchen sink
Joined on 2/20/23