Not sure what the joke is here... The animation is pretty smooth. I can say that much in this clip's favor.
Not sure what the joke is here... The animation is pretty smooth. I can say that much in this clip's favor.
*lol* Cute. You got the hesitated, halting speech pattern down. What would make it better is more of an "old man" voice with a pause of several seconds at least once, in the middle of a sentence.
In the sequel, they should all pile on the coffin & eat Steamo. (Another animal fact: lobsters eat just about anything!)
Re 2:09.68 - I didn't know you had that going on. That sucks, dear...but yeah, Yoko Ono does that to people.
For a piece consisting entirely of crude sketches, it's awesome. Thank you for putting my (ahem) work into it.
I learned something from watching: shitposting is a legit skill. It's almost a kind of performance art. It looks like animation works better than still images, at least in this context.
Also, the beat fucking _slaps_. Kudos to @kidasper.
you haven't seen shitposting as an art form 'till you've seen ZabuJard's catalog
How do you come up with this shit?? That's what I wanna know!
This clip gives new meaning to the phrase "what a burn!"...
FALSE! No doctor in the medieval era ever looked that good, nor did they know to use gloves when operating...
But seriously, it's good. Funny in a cute way. Am not surprised the voice actress is Aussie; not too many of us can do British accents convincingly (though she sounds more like a BBC reporter in this than a 13th-century Englishwoman). The "patient" looks hilarious.
I might've rated it higher if I were more into memes as an art form... The soundtrack is a bit irritating. Other than that, it's kinda cute.
Am wondering about the white bug in the clip. Why is it there? Is seeing insects crawling on your skin one of the symptoms of too much caffeine in one's nervous system? (Are we still talking about caffeine?...because this sounds suspiciously like "crank bugs")
im gonna be honest there was kind of no reason it was there other than the fact that i like bugs. caffeine induced anxiety was the name of the track
Who did the narration? Was that you?
yeah :)
I'd like to know how this was animated...(have never used Movie Maker. The last time I did any animation was the late 1990's. Yes, I am that old)
I would also like to know if one of you decides to put something like this together again. It would be fun to make something for a movie of this kind.
this is an annual event, there's still time to make something for this year's
Artist in various media (mostly traditional), craftsman & general DIYer. I make no guarantee of regular posting--work will go up as circumstances permit.
Volkswagen Beetle
various/school of hard knocks
under your kitchen sink
Joined on 2/20/23