*insert laugh track for the Chiefs here*
*insert laugh track for the Chiefs here*
This could be in a decent classic-style sequel to the original "Jungle Book".
Wow, thank you for this nice comment, it means a lot!
"I met a traveler from an antique land..."
"I'm thinkin about it! I'm thinkin about it!..."
What does it take to get citizenship there?
Enter the nation
Help the nation out in someway (paying a certain amount to the nation monthly, join the military, etc) for 1 year
Complete a short history quiz on the nation (it’s not that difficult)
Your officially a citizen
You've done quite a few collabs...
Yeah i try. I got a few in the pipeline too
So if I say your name out loud three times fast, will you appear in the physical world? 😏
Edit: Certainly not. I sometimes use the smirk emoji to denote humor (or at least an attempt at it). Besides, you're very far away & I'm probably not your type.
Probably! But I’m not going to get in bed with you, if that’s what you’re implying by that smirk!
Looks more like the offspring of Shrek & Lupo the Butcher.
This character--the concept itself, as well--would be most improved by some basic anatomy. That means you should pick up a basic manual, study it thoroughly & draw using what you learn from it (anything by Bridgman or Loomis will do). For a creature to be humanoid, first it has to look convincingly _human_.
The inside of your brain must be an active place...
yes it is :3
Artist in various media (mostly traditional), craftsman & general DIYer. I make no guarantee of regular posting--work will go up as circumstances permit.
Volkswagen Beetle
various/school of hard knocks
under your kitchen sink
Joined on 2/20/23