It looks more like "Junior Graphite Mushroom X".
I gave an extra star for the cuteness. The girls will love this piece.
It looks more like "Junior Graphite Mushroom X".
I gave an extra star for the cuteness. The girls will love this piece.
They love them ;)
You caught Skellington's spirit, for sure.
It would be interesting to know what tools/media you used in making this piece.
thanks!, I used old pens, colors and markers I found
Nice. I like it overall.
The helmet design ain't bad, but the narrow eye slit would make it hard to see what's happening on the field of battle. The cone shape would be great for deflecting downward sword & axe strikes from overhead.
This is wonderful.
I'd thought of posting figure-drawing practice pieces too, but didn't think they'd get much attention. Guess you proved me wrong...gotta find a model now.
Did you stick to lines deliberately? If not, then next time consider adding in some shading to describe the model's form a bit better.
Each of these were two minute poses so I only made line drawings. I focus on shades and tones when the pose lasts longer. I’ll be posting more soon.
So you're growing a colony of 'em, eh?
What substrate do you use, wood chips? Or maybe grog from low-fired stuff?... But seriously, they're cute. And since they're all sold, you obviously make some winners.
Thank you 😊
I'm just glad to see someone else reading a real book, in this hyperdigital attention-challenged era.
You could've added a bit more depth to the picture, either with a but more detail for Yellow or with less for the background. It's good overall...admittedly if you painted this with markers, fine detail might be tough to achieve. I also like seeing this as it is in trad media, instead of being done entirely in MS Paint or some other program! Keep it up, man.
They're cute... I see you take photos of your work, too. You might want to put a light on the right side so you don't have those cast shadows on one side.
If I was close to Deer Isle, I would check out the school.
I should get a better light set up. Haystacks is a great place. I’d recommend going.
"He knew only that the child was his warrant. He said: If he is not the word of God God never spoke."
A good illo overall, though a bit cluttered for my taste. On the other hand the Spartan furries _are_ in a phalanx, so of course they'll be close together...
For anyone else who arrives at this page: as the OP said, "300" is not true history; even the fight scenes are pretty unrealistic overall. As always, if you want to learn all about what really happened you need to find books written by reliable historians, & read them thoroughly. But for a basic intro to Thermopylae, the following YT clip ain't bad:
Okay, now it's getting funny.
Artist in various media (mostly traditional), craftsman & general DIYer. I make no guarantee of regular posting--work will go up as circumstances permit.
Volkswagen Beetle
various/school of hard knocks
under your kitchen sink
Joined on 2/20/23