This would be a good start to a soundtrack for a fighting game...or an updated version of Leisure Suit Larry.
This would be a good start to a soundtrack for a fighting game...or an updated version of Leisure Suit Larry.
Sync this to a generated beat, then loop it for the next you have rave music.
Are there many NG-themed songs like this?
Also, you have a cute voice. Can't help imagining how you look, with such a voice.
After 0:58, the music brings to mind images of blood sacrifice on some stone altar, as part of some demented ritual...
Interesting...this is developing my sense of what NG is like, & filling some of its history. Cool.
This is morbidly fascinating.
Since you posted this in '21, I presume all that's left of the missing seven by now are FB (& real-life) memorials.
The behavior of Seacor's CEO doesn't surprise me a bit. In business _&_ politics, the basic problem is that power often attracts those most unsuited to it by whatever moral standard you go by.
May they rest in peace.
Edit: If you have the time to check, great. Don't interrupt your schedule just for me. If it's convenient & you feel like doing so, you could send me a note about it.
So they did a reeaaaallly good job sweeping this under the rug, but eventually they did get most of the boat out and recovered some of the remains, but some of them were never found.
One of the men's bodies found, I think it was a captain, WAS in an air pocket, and did NOT die of drowning, and had started a timer on his phone in his pocket so he would know how long he was in the dark.
I think his family is rightfully suing and that might still be going on. I'll check! I just know the entire situation is so heartbreaking because they WERE alive, and had they been someone more important, they'd have been rescued. So many people/companies/organizations failed them.
Props for the quick history hit, as much as for the music itself. It would've been better to specify the region for those who haven't read much. To me it sounds a lot like 18th-century Britain (particularly London)...though I haven't looked into the region, I'd guess most apartments in Paris or other European cities were much the same in that era. It could just as easily be early to mid-19th-century NYC, with the only change being rents due to inflation.
It’s really just Tenements in general. Weather it be in NYC, London during the Industrial Revolution, or the typical dive. For me it was 19th century NYC! Thanks for the rate and the fave!
It's certainly joyful...sounds kinda like something you'd hear as a kid on a merry-go-round, but with a faster beat. You may not have meant to, but you created a tune that harks back to just before the Internet Era.
How do you composers pull this off? It's amazing.
My reference for this one is those old arcade Sonic/Mario games. and a little later with games like Super Sonic Racing and Mario Golf :)
You are quite the composer, indeed...
I faved this but as I've been a Clint Eastwood fan for yeeeeaaarrs, I'm pretty biased.
If I ever draw or render a western-type character, I'll have to remember this tune. Might be a great soundtrack for a timelapse of the illo...wouldn't use it without your permission, of course.
In celebration of the music & badassery we know & love, I leave the following:
I've never actually watched the good the bad and the ugly. I've always just liked the soundtrack.
You totally should make a western-styled character. I think it would be awesome with your style of art. You can feel free to use my songs for any web-based things. Like YouTube videos, web games, animations etc :)
I've never been much of a music critic so take this for what it's worth... I am impressed.
Quite the melody there. The arrangement is fantastic. I would never have expected to hear a tune on NG with this much depth. (Most of what I've heard has been video game-themed stuff so far)
You should know that I rarely ever rate ANYthing 5-star on here.
If there's such a thing as a next world & your grandfather is in it, he must be proud of you.
Thank you, appreciate your kind words. I guess I'll find out if there's a land beyond death when I eventually get there :)
Artist in various media (mostly traditional), craftsman & general DIYer. I make no guarantee of regular posting--work will go up as circumstances permit.
Volkswagen Beetle
various/school of hard knocks
under your kitchen sink
Joined on 2/20/23