- Need to get to my land once more before the end of the year...& after the start of '25, if I can withstand the pollen storm. We all know it's coming. If I can keep my allergies from flattening my ass through winter & early spring, I'll get stuff done before the move.
- The move will be in mid-March. I almost can't wait...so fed up with this shitty apartment complex. There are only three people I sorta care about who live here. They're good people...not too bright, but good. If it weren't for them, I would happily see it burn to the ground after I'm gone.
- Speaking of people, lately I've been getting back to my own. Current events (& the historical echoes they manifest) are a major factor in turning my head in that direction.
- Gonna post one more finished piece before the year's end. It won't be what you might be expecting.
Aside from that, more of my thoughts on current events (I never run out of those):
...I don't think he's gonna do it. Too much of our economy depends on braceros from Latin America. If Trump doesn't know that, CEOs & CFOs of agribusiness, dining & hospitality industries certainly do.
I hope president Sheinbaum can face them down, keep her people organized & knock down the cartels a few pegs.
In other news, this went up:
And in conclusion, a little music:
when trump talks about immigrants i don't think he means every single immigrant in the usa (specially the worker ones the corporations care for), they probably are aiming to the "undesirable" ones, let's put it like that. Here in brazil we have exactly the opposite way of trump thinking, everyone is "welcome" here, ironically nobody (specially developed countries) wants to change to brazil lol), in the brazilian states that are border with such countries as venezuela and colombia you can find many immigrants. Here in santos they drop many hobos, junkies, ex-convict, etc ("undesirable" people), some neighborhoods have a bigger concentration of those people, such neighborhoods suffer with criminality, vandalism, grafitti, devaluation and such, take a look at Santos downtown in this video (made by another brazilian though): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2A2i34CJ5aw
Santos downtown used to be a lively place full of commerce, now it looks like a ghost neighborhood, closed, stores, full of grafitti, junkies, prostitutes (at night), etc. I really wish santos were an enchanted wealthy land were everyone that put their feet here turn into a great person, but unfortunately things doesn't work like that
ShadenLines (Updated )
That's not good...but from where I stand, Forever78 didn't make the point he thought he was making.
The main thoughts I had were "you vatos are crazy, riding bikes in traffic" & "why does Santos only have one-way streets?"
Now sure, the neighborhood ain't great. It does look rather poor...though even there, some of the women are pretty. (I think that's Latin America in general: lots of hot chicks) However if you think that's bad, here's a recent news segment on downtown SF:
Here's a walking tour of a YouTuber's hometown in Minnesota, two weeks ago:
Consider that the footage was taken in the United States...a nation far wealthier &, to an extent, more organized overall than Brazil or any equivalent country.