Artist in various media (mostly traditional), craftsman & general DIYer. I make no guarantee of regular posting--work will go up as circumstances permit.

Pablo ''Neckbone'' Washington @ShadenLines

whatever--it's 2024.


various/school of hard knocks

under your kitchen sink

Joined on 2/20/23

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it's interesting, you talk about that often, but it looks like a sensitive matter for you, i love to listen to words of wisdom and experience, i would ask more about those things, but i'm afraid you wouldn't like to talk about it. Anyway dude, don't be sad, you look like a great person

I appreciate the thoughts, O animator of oddly funny Brazilian toons. "often"?... ',:-/ I wasn't aware I was giving such an impression here, aside from my tendency to draw skulls whenever I'm in the mood. Never thought of this journal as a place to vent on the regular.

It's the same kinda thing that older people in general think about, really: mortality, the passage of time, etc. It's a lot easier to ignore it all when you're young, for obvious reasons. The only difference is I'm not as good as most people at stuffing it all in the back of my brain & locking a door over it, so to speak.

@ShadenLines hm... well, it's not that often, but i have seen sometimes you know. It really something that touchs my heart, i have an old aunt, somedays ago we talked and she did mention this too "i'm now an old lady, i can't hang around just by myself anymore and ting" full of sad emotion.
It's also interesting your choice of posting in newgrounds, it's a site full of gen z kids and ting, sometimes i feel like i don't belong in this place (not anymore). I tried to make the facebook for gringos, but facebook didn't allow me too, so i'm stuck with my brazilian facebook and newgrounds until i think on something else

I hope you don't shut down your account & fly the coop but if you do, I understand. NG is the closest I get to social media these days, though lately I've been thinking of returning to FB after talking to you & two other people... Am probably going to document my land project, once I'm living there. It might be weird enough that it'll be worth whatever attention it gets. >|-D Haven't figured out what title to give it...it will likely be in a blog format but there will be pics, & maybe a video every so often.

If you like to read then you'll probably like whatever I post there. If you don't have that kind of attention span, no problem, just ignore it. I definitely won't be posting all that often here, though.

It's funny you say you don't feel like you belong here. I'm happy enough as a Newgrounder, I guess, but yeah...I'm definitely one of the old guys on here. When I first joined I was looking at the art all the zoomers & younger millennials post here & thinking "yep...if Newgrounds was the ocean, all these kids would be the usual fish, sharks, etc. & I'm the last remaining trilobite." Out of all the works I've rated/commented on here, I've seen maybe FOUR that were by real painters. About four or more, out of 422 pieces so far...a half-dozen at most, out of all that. Practically everyone here works all-digital; as someone into traditional media, I am in the minority.

@ShadenLines yo, it's not on my plans to quit newgrounds, probably i will just hang less around here and at the worst scenario let it stopped like i did with my twitter/X. I'm also thinking about making a facebook page to interact with gringos and give access to the pizza parlor facebook so i can access that page there, so i will be able to use facebook just fine.
I will surely be glad to follow your projects and posts, it's always good to talk to you.
Mostly of the stuff and the people i find here is newgrounds related and stuff to mainstream medias such as sonic and other videogames and series, by which i ain't into, i'm more like in the old school stuff and mature subjects like politics, religion, investment, etc.
About the traditional media yeah, mostly do it the digital way, i stopped doing the traditional art back in 2014, i already thought traditional art was getting outdated and the future was digital art (i was wrong, the future is AI art lol) so i only did stick with digital art since then