Artist in various media (mostly traditional), craftsman & general DIYer. I make no guarantee of regular posting--work will go up as circumstances permit.

Pablo ''Neckbone'' Washington @ShadenLines

whatever--it's 2024.


various/school of hard knocks

under your kitchen sink

Joined on 2/20/23

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yo my friend, great to know you're alright, i could just see a bit of the storm in tv in the pizza parlor. What i have learned about investing in the usa is what warren buffet had to say, buy a good index like the sp500 constantly (like one time per month) or something. I don't buy it monthly as i fused this strategy with a bit of the brazilian investment strategy, like i told you before, we invest like hyenas, we wait for it fall down during a moment of weakness then we attack, buying it while it has it's prices lowered, we do it with our brazilians corporations since they go up and down a lot.
We also don't have that many options of investment here, like we have about a hundred of corporations on the stock exchanges here and just like 2 or 3 dozens of their are actually really worth to stock picking, we have some etfs that are clones of the american etfs the IVVB11 is the brazilian clone of the IVV that's how mostly of us brazilian invest in the sp500, there is one to invest in china (XINA11), but there is not one to invest in japan or india, i think there is one to invest in europe but i forgor now

and also about the courses i don't buy any either, never bought none, since i'm a DIYer too, i have learned how to do art and animations all by myself (they surely ain't the best, but i did). I follow a lot of youtube channels about investment and i keep learning a little bit with every of them, but maybe some people can only learn with something like a course, a tutorial or college where someone is there to show them step by step how to do stuff

Excellent...knew there was something I liked about you. It's always good to meet someone who enjoys learning. (I've been that way all my life. Have also met many people who are content with not learning any more than what they absolutely need to know. I still don't understand that attitude)

Tutorials aren't bad in & of themselves. There are even online courses that are good, depending on what you're studying. The problem is that the finfluencer "space" is full of hucksters & con artists who only want your money, & don't care about helping ordinary people learn how to manage their money. There are a few YT channels I check on...not many. I might post a list in a future blog entry here if anyone's interested.

As for college, it's a mixed bag. That's a whole 'nother discussion by itself. I went to a public university & got a B.A. Briefly, I do not regret enrolling & being a student but I do regret the path I took while I was there.

@ShadenLines yo my friend, thanks, we get well along also cuz we talk a lot about (real) mature stuff (and not porn) like investment, politics and "conspiracy theories", instead of stuff like games, animes, etc mostly of the newgrounds kids do.
People who don't want to learn anything more have something called "pride", the biggest sin, by which also leads to ignorance. Many people think they're so smart, many people think they don't need no advice, they don't need no elder people wisdom, etc
About college i didn't go to it either and here in brazil few people go like i told you before, so i can't talk too much hehe