gold price per oz., as of 11:06 this evening
It's gone up just over 8% in the last 30 days. Nice.
Artist in various media (mostly traditional), craftsman & general DIYer. I make no guarantee of regular posting--work will go up as circumstances permit.
Volkswagen Beetle
various/school of hard knocks
under your kitchen sink
Joined on 2/20/23
Posted by ShadenLines - April 8th, 2024
gold price per oz., as of 11:06 this evening
It's gone up just over 8% in the last 30 days. Nice.
Posted by ShadenLines - March 8th, 2024
The title is self-explanatory. The appointments to see various specialists are becoming a bit more frequent, & will be for a while though not all year. Chronic illness & getting older completely suck.
Aside from that, I've been scribbling again...a sample follows. Not much more to report at this time.
Posted by ShadenLines - March 6th, 2024
I like to keep track...though not always closely. If you are exposed to a given market, you want to know what's going on within it. So as of earlier today:
Gold has gone up a hair over 4% in a month's time while platinum hasn't moved at all...I do wonder why. One possible reason is a %age of investors are nervous about the markets--stocks & ETFs can't keep up like this indefinitely, especially with the economic conditions we're in--& so are putting money into gold as a safe haven...a proven strategy. There's always a bit of randomness in the signals as well.
Posted by ShadenLines - February 27th, 2024
A few minutes ago, after a websearch I sent an email to my old art instructor, from my university days.
I don't know if he will read it because I don't know if he's even alive or mentally competent...his work goes from the 1960's to 2020. The latter year was the last time he updated his website, so who knows? Maybe he doesn't give a shit by now. But I sent the email anyway.
I got my B.A. just before 9-11. So damn much has changed in modern society in that time...not all the changes were good or desirable. A chronic condition I didn't see coming completely shifted my life around & not for the better. But in all that time I never stopped being an artist.
And I never forgot about my instructor.
He was one of the two best ones I encountered when I was inside my alma mater.
Posted by ShadenLines - February 6th, 2024
After posting my last piece here I leave, stay out for almost three days, & when I come back there's more of you!
24 followers now?...almost twice as many as the last time I checked. Where did y'all come from so quick?? How many of you are human & not bots? If you're human, please leave a comment...I like having a sense of who's behind a screen name.
For those of you who just signed on: Welcome. Sit down, take a load off, have a drink of whatever you like. I don't have any hard stuff in the cabinet but I do keep some good wines around at all times. There's also coffee if you like having the jitters. Right now I only have one piece in my portfolio, namely In the Catacombs. I intend to add at least one more piece this year, two if I can get away with it. If you're into saccharine cartoons, furries & other cute stuff then you may not like it here, as I tend to focus on memento mori & philosophical pessimism. When I'm not doing any of that I'm building canes out of various hardwoods, stainless steel tubing &/or other materials as needed. I'm also a dyed-in-the-wool traditionalist (the only digital stuff I do is editing pieces I already made) so don't expect the bright, crisp, slick aesthetic so typical of online art these days.
Of my "Playlists" (digital file folders), for some reason Newgrounders seem to like
the most. Why that is, I don't know. Personally I'm rather proud of some of my thing I can tell you: it's unusual. You will not find too many other lettering guys on NG. I use it as a design element, more than anything else.
Feel free to explore my gallery here or the playlists. If you wanna leave a comment on my work, go ahead but I would appreciate it if you explain your position. Saying "this is awesome!" or "this sucks" doesn't tell me a lot. If you can say why you think the piece is great or why it sucks, I'm much more likely to seriously consider your comments.
Posted by ShadenLines - January 27th, 2024
I see a couple of you like the sketch of Yorick Jr. That's good, but the one portfolio piece I've posted here so far is least in my book:
Had to post that because as the portfolio "playlist" doesn't show up on the list here, it's possible that you might've missed it. You should also check out Go Small... because that one ain't bad, either:
Aside from that, there ain't much else to report at the moment. Stocks are still going gangbusters but I'm wondering when the bull run will end...precious metals are doing fairly well. Am going through allergy season right now but that's not's going lightly so far. Hopefully it stays that way. When everything gets dusted with that powdered yellow poison, it's not good for anyone.
Posted by ShadenLines - January 19th, 2024
Check this out:
Source: app
The number in white was the price in $/oz. as of Jan 18th, this year. Now look at where it was prior to 1979 & in the very early 2000's. Interesting, isn't it?
Precious metals are like "blue chip" stocks: their worth goes up & down on any given day or week or month, but in the long run they always gain in value. It has ever been so, long before the United States (or most modern nations!) existed.
Don't put all your money in gold, of course. Or in silver or any other metal. Precious metals are an asset to help with diversification, part of a well-rounded nest egg. A lot of millennials, zoomers & Alpha kids like crypto, which is fine if you know what you're doing. But don't count out "tradfi" assets like stocks...or precious metals. Gold & silver are safe havens in economic downturns. They've served that purpose ever since the advent of modern economies. Precious metals are also a hedge against inflation...always a concern with nation-based fiat currencies. Gold & silver (& copper) were the first real currencies; for much of human history they were the only currencies. They can still function as such if our modern networked infrastructure ever fails temporarily or unlikely event but not an impossible one.
Of course technology has changed the game, even as markets & money act like they always have. Now there's platinum, palladium & more exotic metals out there. These days you don't have to hold metal itself if space &/or security are an issue; gold-backed ETFs exist & function in every major market in the West. You can also buy & sell shares of physical gold inside vaults in secure locations...they function like a stock, but they represent ownership of a percentage of a gold ingot instead of in a publicly held corporation. Exchanges for those are currently limited but, if you like trading, gold shares are an option.
Full disclosure: I am not a certified financial advisor; however, I've been an investor for over two decades now & actively manage some of my own assets. I check market activity on the daily & sometimes research investment-related/financial subjects. Recently I've started studying more esoteric topics such as Elliott Wave theory.
Posted by ShadenLines - January 17th, 2024
Thank you, @TomFulp.
I couldn't get in here for, what...about two weeks now. Had to make a second account just to get help since the support dept didn't respond to my e-mail. Now I have two accounts here, but if I read the rules correctly then having duplicate accounts is not kosher. So if our founder tells me to, I will deactivate the backup (@ShadeReloaded).
If he does not direct me to shut it down, then the question arises: what to do with the other account?
For that, all I've thought of is keeping any NSFW/adult stuff I make in that account, & reserving this one for other pieces...that is, for art I actually like to make. Frankly I find NSFW stuff boring at best, & crass & disgusting at worst. But if you want views then you gotta give the public what it likes. C'est la vie. All this is, of course, null & void if I must pull the plug on the other account.
So what's new with y'all?
Posted by ShadenLines - January 1st, 2024
I do hope it goes better than 2023, though I can't complain too much since the markets did better than expected overall. Enjoy the fast-n-messy hand lettering.